24th World Congress
19-21 October 2023
Congress Theme: Building Bridges of Connection Picture design Marianne da Silva Prado and Irmeli Lehtioksa. Painter Irmeli Lehtioksa Virtual Congress Powered by Cvent

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to learn, get inspired, network with colleagues, and confront the challenges of life through an international gathering which will propagate the importance of the individual call to Meaning

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Registration fee includes attendance and all recorigings up to twelve months  

Congress Theme: Building Bridges of Connection

19-21 October 2023 - Virtual Congress

We believe that there has been much human suffering in the past years– pandemic, illness and deaths, loss of jobs and financial security, regional clashes, wars, loss of other human contact. We believe that more than ever our world needs to hear the words of wisdom from the teachings of Frankl.

23rd. World Congress is dedicated to Dr.Robert Barnes

In order to celebrate his life and pay tribute to his gifts to humanity, we will be dedicating the 2021 Congress to Dr. Robert Barnes, President of the VFIL who passed away during the development of this Congress.

This year because of COVID-19, we will for the first time hold the Congress by virtual means.

We believe that there has been much human suffering in the past year– illness and deaths, loss of jobs and financial security, loss of other human contact– and we are very concerned about burnout of clinicians and caregivers burdened with impossible demands.  We believe that more than ever our world needs to hear the words of wisdom from the teachings of Frankl.

We have eight featured speakers, and concurrent sessions from papers submitted by Logotherapists around the world, a Clinical Symposium, and an award ceremony from individuals who have recently earned the Diplomate credential through our Educational Program. You can view the full program from above 

23rd World Congress

Main Sponsors

  • World Congress supported in part by a generous gift from Greg Clark as a tribute to his late wife Joanne Clark… click for more

    Greg Clark
    M.A., LMHC “Serving those who first served us."
    Fellow, American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress
    Fellow, National Center for Crisis Management
    Diplomate, Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy

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“The Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy invites you to become a member and join colleagues from around the world in promoting meaningful living.”

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The Viktor Frankl Institute welcomes charitable gifts of any size to further its mission of promoting optimal health and well-being through meaningful living. We are a nonprofit organization and are recognized by the United States Internal Revenue Service as a 501c3 organization and meet all conditions necessary to make gifts deductible for US income tax purposes.