Diplomate in Logo-Philosophy


The Diplomate in Logotherapy and Existential Analysis in a field outside of healthcare can be obtained with completion of a project, approved by the supervising faculty member in the candidate’s area of expertise. The project must be completed within one year.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of the course: “Contemporary Applications of Logo-Philosophy” 

Please read carefully the “Description” stated below before you register.

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The Diplomate Credential is the highest certification offered by the Viktor Frankl Institute.  Students who have completed the Associate Certification may apply for the Diplomate process.  The Diplomate is an individualized project in which the student will be furthering the application of Logotherapy in unique ways to meet the current needs of the international community.  Specific guidelines for the project will be determined by the supervising faculty member and the student.

If you have any questions please send an email to  educationcoordinator@viktorfranklinstitute.org