Academic Associate in Logotherapy Certificate


The student may receive the Academic Associate Certificate upon completion of all four courses listed below. The Academic Associate Credential acknowledges the 105 hours of coursework completed successfully by the student in which he/she was able to complete the assigned levels of study.  By so doing, the student has shown a high-level of comprehension and application of Logotherapy concepts.

Application fee includes one year of membership of the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of the courses: “Foundations of Logotherapy”  and “Attitudinal Change” and “Meaning-Centered Interventions”  and either “Logotherapy for Clinical Practices” or ” Contemporary Applications of Logo-Philosophy” 


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The student may receive the Academic Associate Certificate upon completion of all four courses. The Academic Associate Credential acknowledges the 105 hours of coursework completed successfully by the student in which he/she was able to complete the assigned levels of study.  By so doing, the student has shown a high-level of comprehension and application of Logotherapy concepts.

Application fee includes one year of membership of the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy. If the applicant is already a member then the existing membership expiration date is extended one more year.