Charles L. McLafferty



Charles McLafferty earned a PhD in educational psychology and an M.Ed. in counselor education from the University of Virginia and has taught courses in education, psychology, and research methods. His dissertation included a detailed examination of Logotherapy. He has been a National Board Certified Counselor since 1996. Charles has been a member of the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy since 1993, served on the Board of Directors from 1994 to 1997, and was named to the faculty in 2017. He volunteered for a Crisis Center Suicide Helpline for five years and, working with the administrative team, developed an in-service training module on meaning-centered counseling that was requested every year. Charles is the founder and President of Purpose Research, LLC, which is accredited by the Viktor Frankl Institute (Vienna). Specifically, he is seeking to address the presence of the noëtic dimension as a natural part of human experience. He has published a number of books related to Logotherapy: six by Elisabeth Lukas, two edited by Paul and Lilian Wong, and one each by Ann Graber and Joseph Fabry. Charles supervises nonclinical students. His areas of interest include problems of human growth and existential development (the emergence of the noëtic dimension) as well as suicide, end-of-life issues, and ethics of prolonged treatment in terminal illness.  

Teaching Methods

Email: Yes
Telephone: Yes
Online (Skype, Zoom, etc.): Yes Other: In-person, or any secure technologies
Group (maximum of 6)
On-Site, place to be announced: Yes
Online (Skype, Zoom, Etc.): Yes Other: Conference call via secure technology